Welcome to Schumacher Wild. We are on a wild and nomadic adventure of collective inquiry as we reimagine the college and co-create a new curriculum fit for the 21st Century.

Schumacher College and Schumacher Wild offer holistic, ecological, transformative and transdisciplinary education

We Are Alive!

For over 30 years, we have pioneered holistic ecological education. This is the next step in our journey, and we are re-tuning our curriculum to the planetary situation we are now in. While acknowledging our deep roots with love and care, we are now moving into new grounds, inhabiting new places and taking new forms. Consequently, we are offering a radically new form of learning.     

We are a transdisciplinary college. Transdisciplinarity, for us, means to create and participate in a continuous, unfolding dialogue between the disciplines: between ecology and poetry, between economics and phenomenology, between design and mythology, between soil science and contemplative practice. In short, we offer an interwoven, interfused, intertwined, deeply polyphonic way of learning.   

  • This means that no discipline holds the privilege of yielding knowledge: what we discover is discovered between us all. Boundaries between disciplines are not where something ends, but where something else begins. Education is not one particular task, but the whole of life - a life-centric, earth-infused, organic process. Learning means to form and be formed by the fabric of being, to follow the warp and weft of the world, to plunge our hands in the soil with care, to hear the antiphonal music of the more-than-human. Learning does not merely occur in a classroom, but also in a kitchen, on the land, by the fire, singing as well as speaking, being still as well as moving, making as well as thinking.

    Our educational practice is convivial, which means: we ask good questions in good company. We value dialogue over suspicion, we foster reciprocity over rupture, we cultivate encounter rather than enclosure. We believe it is attention and care rather than hostile rhetoric, gift rather than entitlement and reconciliation rather than grievance that can change the world.

    In a world that often encourages fast-pace living, inattentive thinking and anxiety-ridden action, we nurture slowness and depth. We explore the deep time of the earth, the deep time of our thoughts, the deep time of our language and our stories. As well as small, we believe that slow, too, is beautiful.

    We carry with us our long tradition of education as an endeavour for heads, hearts and hands. Ecological learning is not just about cognitive improvement and the acquirement of skills, but about the transformation of the whole person, so that we in turn can serve, dialogue and collaborate with communities, our own as well as others, and learn genuinely and lovingly to dwell in the world.

    This endeavour is as ambitious as it is humble: ambitious because it calls for a dynamic, continuous creative dialogue between all of us; humble because this dialogue must return us to where we are, in radical honesty. To be humble literally means to be ‘of the earth’, and so to encounter one another and to think and be with the more-than-human world also means to acknowledge where we are, who we are, our roots, our branches and our longings, with honesty and humility, and in openness to the whole.

New Schumacher Foundation Course:

A Transdisciplinary Course for Our Times

Schumacher College and Schumacher Wild offer holistic, ecological, transformative and transdisciplinary education

28 April - 15 August 

This unique course is founded upon an exciting transdisciplinary and convivial pedagogy. A foundation which, on the one hand, has long, deep roots, nourished by over 30 years of holistic educational heritage. On the other hand, this course has been forged in an alchemical cauldron of crisis; forcing deep reflection, experimentation, boldness, and innovation.

The Story of Schumacher Wild

The pioneering vision that has been expressed through Schumacher College’s holistic education since its very first course in 1991 here in South Devon  - a five week tour de force on Gaia Theory led by James Lovelock – is now engaged in a deeply transformative journey. We, the recent faculty, staff, volunteers and alumni from Schumacher College, have unexpectedly found ourselves needing to move away from our home of more than thirty years and to set out into the world around us. This uprooting was unplanned and not entered into by choice. It has, therefore, been challenging for all involved to come to the sober recognition that a much-loved chapter of life and learning has now come to an end. 

When viewed through a holistic, ecological, or spiritual lens, however, life herself teaches us that every ending is in fact a new beginning of some kind - and our story is no different.

Schumacher College and Schumacher Wild offer holistic, ecological, transformative and transdisciplinary education

Our Teachers

Schumacher College and Schumacher Wild offer holistic, ecological, transformative and transdisciplinary education

Join us on this journey!

This is more than just a new chapter for those of us who have learnt, worked, volunteered, and taught at Schumacher College in Devon; it is a vision quest, to contribute meaningfully towards the future of holistic education. We are therefore actively seeking wisdom on what education means in today’s world; on how learning might be designed or cultivated most effectively; and asking how we can all evolve our curricula and pedagogies to meet the complex needs of present and future generations. Join us in this adventure, as we gather new friends and collaborators, and embark on this exciting action-research inquiry together, with radical love, commitment, and purpose.